安大略省在6月1日设立受伤工人日, 以纪念和支持在工作中受伤的工人。 Ontario creates Injured Workers Day on June 1 to honor and support workers hurt on the job.
安大略已正式指定6月1日为受伤工人日。 Ontario has officially designated June 1 as Injured Workers Day after a private member's bill by NDP MPP Jamie West. 该日旨在承认工伤或生病工人的牺牲,并确保他们获得必要的财政、医疗和心理支持。 The day aims to recognize the sacrifices of workers injured or made ill on the job and to ensure they receive necessary financial, medical, and psychological support. 这一称号标志着1983年工人首次聚集在皇后公园以来的第一次正式认可。 This designation marks the first official recognition since workers first gathered at Queen's Park in 1983. 第一个正式日将于2025年6月1日庆祝。 The first official day will be celebrated on June 1, 2025.