尼日利亚缉毒机构否认批准“Lung-清洁”茶,并警告不要虚报健康要求。 Nigerian drug agency denies approving "lung-cleansing" tea, warns against false health claims.
尼日利亚食品和药品管理局NAFDAC拒绝批准一种名为Lungitox的草药茶, NAFDAC, Nigeria’s food and drug agency, has denied approving a herbal tea called Lungitox, marketed as a "lung-cleansing" aid for smokers. 该机构以未经证实的健康索赔为由拒绝了该产品的登记。 The agency rejected the product's registration due to unsubstantiated health claims. NAFDAC敦促公众报告任何误导性产品,并提醒消费者,只允许对草药产品提出经科学证实的索赔。 NAFDAC urges the public to report any misleading products and reminds consumers that only scientifically validated claims are permitted for herbal products.