纽约喷气机队开始面试他们的总经理职位,首先是乔恩·罗宾逊和路易斯·里迪克。 The New York Jets begin interviews for their GM role, starting with Jon Robinson and Louis Riddick.
纽约喷气机队正在面试他们空缺的总经理职位的候选人,首先是前田纳西泰坦队总经理乔恩·罗宾逊 (Jon Robinson) 和 ESPN 分析师路易斯·里迪克 (Louis Riddick)。 The New York Jets are interviewing candidates for their vacant GM position, starting with Jon Robinson, the former Tennessee Titans GM, and Louis Riddick, an ESPN analyst. Robinson过去成功地为巨人队起草关键角色,Riddick在NFL前台有经验。 Robinson has past success drafting key players for the Titans, while Riddick has experience in NFL front offices. 喷气机队目前在临时教练杰夫·乌尔布里希 (Jeff Ulbrich) 的带领下战绩为 1-7,他们将考虑更多候选人,直到常规赛结束后才会做出最终决定。 The Jets, currently 1-7 under interim coach Jeff Ulbrich, will consider more candidates and won't make a final decision until after the regular season.