纳瓦霍·奎尔特(Navajo quilter)因50年的独特工作,获得国家艺术基金会的荣誉。 Navajo quilter honored by National Endowment for the Arts for her 50 years of unique work.
国家艺术捐赠基金颁发了纳瓦霍(Navajo quilter)的一件独特的缝衣,这是她50多年来制作的。 The National Endowment for the Arts has awarded a Navajo quilter for her unique quilts, which she has crafted over 50 years. 尽管她得到承认,但她仍继续公开反对主流文化对土著艺术家的边缘化。 Despite her recognition, she continues to speak out against the mainstream culture's marginalization of Indigenous artists. 这一消息由卡梅伦大学的服务机构KCCU公共电台分享。 This news was shared by KCCU Public Radio, a service of Cameron University.