Manel Kape 在 UFC 坦帕 (UFC Tampa) 中战胜了布鲁诺·席尔瓦 (Bruno Silva),提高了他夺冠的希望。 Manel Kape wins a knockout victory over Bruno Silva in UFC Tampa, boosting his title hopes.
Manel Kape 在 UFC 坦帕的第三回合中KO了布鲁诺·席尔瓦,重新开始了他在蝇量级的冠军争夺战。 Manel Kape secured a knockout victory over Bruno Silva in the third round at UFC Tampa, reviving his title contention in the flyweight division. 尽管Silva因低击而得分扣减, Kape的表演仍被其他战士赞美为“配得上拳击手”。 Despite a point deduction for Silva due to low blows, Kape's performance was praised by fellow fighters as "title shot worthy." Kape呼吁与冠军Alexandre Pantoja进行战斗,强调他在2021年加入变革力量联盟后的表现出色。 Kape called for a fight with champion Alexandre Pantoja, emphasizing his strong performance after joining the UFC in 2021.