一名男子在星期五晚上从伯明翰布林购物中心摔倒后死亡。 A man died after falling from the Birmingham Bullring shopping center on Friday night.
12月13日星期五下午9点左右, 一名男子从伯明翰布林购物中心的上层坠落而死。 A man died after falling from an upper level of the Birmingham Bullring shopping center on Friday, December 13, around 9pm. 事件发生在购物中心关闭时,尽管紧急服务部门做出了努力,但该男子在现场被宣布死亡。 The incident occurred as the shopping center was closing, and despite emergency services' efforts, the man was pronounced dead at the scene. West Midlands警察说,死亡不被视为可疑,将转交该市验尸官。 West Midlands Police stated the death is not being treated as suspicious and will be referred to the city's coroner.