马来西亚Umno党反对成员转向对立的PKR, Malaysian party Umno opposes members switching to rival PKR, amid speculation about a top leader's move.
马来西亚政党Umno坚决反对任何党员转而加入对立党PKR, 尤其怀疑Umno的Tengku Zafurul Abdul Aziz可能加入PKR。 Umno, a Malaysian political party, has firmly opposed any of its members switching to rival party PKR, especially amid speculation that Umno's Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz may join PKR. Umno的秘书长Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki说,这种“选择政党”是不能容忍的,因为这可能破坏现任联合政府的稳定。 Umno's Secretary-General, Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, stated that such "party-hopping" would not be tolerated as it could destabilize the current coalition government. 虽然公正党主席安华(Anwar Ibrahim)证实了讨论,但没有邀请扎菲鲁,但扎菲鲁本人尚未对这些传闻发表评论。 While PKR's president, Anwar Ibrahim, confirmed discussions but did not invite Zafrul, Zafrul himself has not commented on the rumors.