Levi Daniels在Smith堡被捕,当时在Roosters酒吧发生了一起刺伤事件,造成一人受伤。 Levi Daniels was arrested in Fort Smith after a stabbing incident at Roosters bar left one person injured.
29岁的Levi Daniels在加里森大道Roosters酒吧发生刺伤事件后,于星期六上午在史密斯堡被捕。 Levi Daniels, 29, was arrested in Fort Smith on Saturday morning following a stabbing incident at Roosters bar on Garrison Avenue. 警方在凌晨3时左右对现场作出反应,发现一人有无生命威胁的伤势。 Police responded to the scene around 3 a.m. and found one person with non-life-threatening injuries. 丹尼尔斯被指控犯有涉及武器的一级殴打罪,目前被关押在塞巴斯蒂安县成人拘留中心。 Daniels was charged with first-degree battery involving a weapon and is being held at the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center.