卡拉奇试图通过建立软件区来提升科技产业, 以追赶拉合尔(Lahore)和伊斯兰堡(伊斯兰堡)。 Karachi seeks to boost its tech industry by creating software zones, aiming to catch up with Lahore and Islamabad.
专家和工业领袖正在卡拉奇推动建立软件技术区和园区,以促进其技术产业和出口。 Experts and industry leaders are pushing for the creation of software technology zones and parks in Karachi to boost its tech industry and exports. 目前,在这些领域,卡拉奇落后于拉合尔和伊斯兰堡。 Currently, Karachi lags behind Lahore and Islamabad in these areas. 巴基斯坦软件出口委员会(PSEB)和巴基斯坦工商会联合会(FCCCI)支持这项提案,旨在向信息技术公司提供补贴服务并创造就业机会。 The Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) support the proposal, aiming to offer subsidized services to IT companies and create jobs. 将设立一个联合工作组,以促进信息技术出口和吸引传统企业进入技术部门。 A joint working group will be formed to promote IT exports and attract traditional businesses to the tech sector.