Jacob Collier和Chris Thile将于1月22日在Bristol Beacon与Britten Sinfonia表演。 Jacob Collier and Chris Thile will perform with the Britten Sinfonia at Bristol Beacon on January 22.
Jacob Collier, Grammy获奖音乐家, 将于1月22日在Bristol Beacon与Britten Sinfonia一起表演, Jacob Collier, a Grammy-winning musician, will perform with the Britten Sinfonia, a 50-piece orchestra, at Bristol Beacon on January 22. 加入他将成为格莱美奖得主克里斯·蒂尔的同伴 Joining him will be fellow Grammy winner Chris Thile. 这次音乐会由Collier的母亲Suzie Collier主持,将介绍Collier和Thile的歌曲、交响乐曲和合唱会经验。 The concert, conducted by Collier's mother, Suzie Collier, will feature songs by Collier and Thile, orchestral pieces, and a choir experience. 入场券可在网上获取,节目于下午7:30开始。 Tickets are available online, with the show starting at 7:30 pm.