意大利厨师Gino D'Acampo否认在ITV的“Gordon, Gino & Fred:公路旅行”上提出性骚扰指控。 Italian chef Gino D'Acampo denies allegations of sexual harassment on ITV's "Gordon, Gino & Fred: Road Trip."
意大利厨师Gino D'Acampo面对性骚扰和不当行为的指控, 包括做出淫秽的手势, 在拍摄ITV的“Gordon, Gino & Fred:公路旅行”时, Italian chef Gino D'Acampo faces allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior, including making lewd gestures and asking inappropriate questions about a producer's sex life while filming ITV's "Gordon, Gino & Fred: Road Trip." D'Acampo否认这些说法,称其为“可怕指控”。 D'Acampo denies the claims, calling them "awful accusations." ITV强调致力于一个尊重工作环境。 ITV emphasizes its commitment to a respectful work environment.