印度女演员Keerthy Suresh与商人Antony Thattil在果阿的白人基督教仪式上结婚。 Indian actress Keerthy Suresh married businessman Antony Thattil in a white Christian ceremony in Goa.
印度女演员Keerthy Suresh和她的长期伴侣、迪拜商人Antony Thattil于12月15日在果阿举行白色基督教仪式庆祝他们的婚礼。 Indian actress Keerthy Suresh and her long-time partner, Dubai-based businessman Antony Thattil, celebrated their wedding with a white Christian ceremony in Goa on December 15. Keerthy为此次活动穿着白色丝带礼服, 双方在教堂仪式上分享亲吻的照片已在社交媒体上公布。 Keerthy wore a white lace gown for the event, and photos of the couple sharing a kiss during the Church ceremony have been shared on social media. 在基督教婚礼之前,他们有一个传统的印度教婚礼,与Keerthy在一个黄色的安息日里举行。 Prior to the Christian wedding, they had a traditional Hindu wedding, with Keerthy in a yellow saree. 这对情侣得到了粉丝和其他名人的祝贺。 The couple has received congratulations from fans and fellow celebrities.