古吉拉特邦的首席部长参加了111个单亲女儿的集体婚礼,这是分发图尔西植物和创造记录的活动的一部分。 Gujarat's CM attends mass wedding for 111 daughters of single parents, part of event distributing Tulsi plants and setting records.
古吉拉特邦首席部长Bhupendra Patel参加了萨瓦尼家族在苏拉特为单身父母的111名女儿举办的一场群众婚礼。 Gujarat's Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel attended a mass wedding in Surat for 111 daughters of single parents, organized by the Savani family. 自2011年以来,这一年度活动为5 274个女儿的婚姻提供了便利,还分发了50 000个图尔西树苗,并记录了370英尺长的婚礼拱门和环境意识。 This annual event, which has facilitated marriages for over 5,274 daughters since 2011, also distributed 50,000 Tulsi saplings and set records for a 370-foot-long wedding arch and environmental awareness. Patel赞扬了组织者提供的社会服务。 Patel praised the organizers for their social service.