粉丝们请求银河号的Truffles 回到庆典箱 吸引了超过1500个签名 Fans petition for Galaxy Truffles' return to Celebrations boxes, sparking over 1,500 signatures.
粉丝们要求银河Truffles回到庆祝巧克力盒,从1997年起,这些巧克力盒最初一直放在那里,直到2011年停止使用。 Fans are demanding the return of Galaxy Truffles to Celebrations chocolate boxes, where they were originally featured since 1997 until being discontinued in 2011. 一份请愿书收集了超过1500人签名。 A social media post sparked over 1,200 comments, and a petition gathered over 1,500 signatures. 2019年,马斯在特斯科商店短暂地重新推出了松露,但它们没有回到庆祝活动的盒子. Mars briefly reintroduced the truffles in 2019 at Tesco stores, but they did not return to Celebrations boxes.