41岁的Cub Swanson取得了惊人的淘汰赛胜利, 在UFC坦帕赢得了夜间战斗奖金. Cub Swanson, 41, scores stunning knockout win, earning Fight of the Night bonus at UFC Tampa.
在UFC坦帕,41岁的MMA传奇人物Cub Swanson在第三轮对比比利·卡兰蒂洛进行了惊人的淘汰赛,获得了夜间战斗奖金,并重新猜测他的退役. At UFC Tampa, Cub Swanson, a 41-year-old MMA legend, delivered a stunning knockout against Billy Quarantillo in the third round, earning both a Fight of the Night bonus and renewed speculation about his retirement. Swanson的胜利, 他的第八场夜战奖, 将他的纪录移动到30-14。 Swanson's win, his eighth Fight of the Night award, moved his record to 30-14. Michael Johnson 和 Dustin Jacoby 也因他们的击倒获胜而领到了 " 夜间表演奖金 " 。 Michael Johnson and Dustin Jacoby also received Performance of the Night bonuses for their knockout wins. 这次活动突显了斯旺森的继续主导地位,并提出了关于他在体育运动中的前途的问题。 The event highlighted Swanson's continued dominance and raised questions about his future in the sport.