人们担心证交会是否有能力管理即将上任的总统唐纳德·特朗普拥有的Trump Media。 Concerns arise over SEC's ability to regulate Trump Media, owned by soon-to-be President Donald Trump.
当唐纳德·特朗普准备成为总统时,人们对证券交易委员会(SEC)管理Trump Media(真理社会公司的母公司)的能力日益感到关切。 As Donald Trump prepares to become president, concerns are rising about the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) ability to regulate Trump Media, the parent company of Truth Social. Trump Media过去曾与证交会发生冲突, 最近的报告显示, 该公司可能误导投资者了解真相社会的表现。 Trump Media has had conflicts with the SEC in the past, and recent reports suggest the company may be misleading investors about Truth Social's performance. 由于特朗普是多数所有者,前证交会官员担心该机构可能无法对公司进行适当的监管,这可能会对政治和金融市场产生影响。 With Trump as the majority owner, former SEC officials worry the agency may not adequately regulate the company, potentially impacting both politics and financial markets.