Ballarat的男子四轮驱动400米的中继队赢得维多利亚州决赛,时间为3: 09.39。 Ballarat's men's 4x400m relay team won the Victorian state final with a time of 3:09.39.
Ballarat的男子四轮驱动400米接力队在墨尔本的Zatopek 10次会议上赢得维多利亚州决赛,时间为3:09.39,领先时间超过1秒半。 Ballarat's men's 4x400m relay team won the Victorian state final at the Zatopek 10 meeting in Melbourne with a time of 3:09.39, leading by over a second and a half. 妇女4x400米的队伍排在第4位。 The women's 4x400m team placed fourth. Armani Anderson在60米的短跑中赢得铜牌,Mitchell Korosec在16岁以下30米的短跑中赢得铜牌,Katherine Dowie在3000米的奥迪基女子比赛中提高了她的Ballarat记录。 Armani Anderson won a bronze in the 60m sprint, Mitchell Korosec won bronze in the under-16s 3000m, and Katherine Dowie improved her Ballarat record in the women's 3000m Ondieki race.