分析师看好GitLab、MongoDB和SentinelOne,尽管股票估值高,但第三季度表现强. *注:上述句子是用中文写的. 校对的英文版是:* 华尔街分析师在GitLab、MongoDB和SentinelOne上仍任重道远, 尽管股票估值很高。 Analysts看好GitLab、MongoDB和SentinelOne,尽管股票估值高,但第三季度表现强劲。 *Note: The above sentence is in Chinese. Given the instruction, here's the corrected English version:* Wall Street analysts remain bullish on GitLab, MongoDB, and SentinelOne despite high stock valuations.
华尔街顶尖分析师对GitLab、MongoDB和SentinelOne感到乐观, Top Wall Street analysts are optimistic about GitLab, MongoDB, and SentinelOne, despite concerns about high stock valuations. GitLab是一家AI驱动软件公司,它看到Q3成果强劲,导致BTIG将其价格目标提高到86美元。 GitLab, an AI-powered software company, saw strong Q3 results, leading BTIG to raise its price target to $86. MongoDB是一家数据库软件公司,超出预期,尼德汉将目标提高到415美元。 MongoDB, a database software firm, exceeded expectations, with Needham raising its target to $415. 网络安全公司 " 哨兵一号 " 也击败了 " Q3 " 预测, " TD Cowen " 保持购买评级和35美元的目标。 SentinelOne, a cybersecurity company, also beat Q3 forecasts, with TD Cowen maintaining a buy rating and a target of $35.