演员Jamie Foxx在比佛利山的生日晚宴上 被玻璃击中后 需要缝针 Actor Jamie Foxx needed stitches after being hit by a glass at his Beverly Hills birthday dinner.
演员Jamie Foxx在Beverly Hills的Chow先生的生日晚宴争吵中被玻璃砸中嘴部,需要缝针。 Actor Jamie Foxx required stitches after being hit in the mouth by a thrown glass during a birthday dinner altercation at Mr. Chow in Beverly Hills. 警察被叫来,这起最初被报告为使用致命武器袭击的事件被降级为肢体争吵。 The police were called, and the incident, initially reported as an assault with a deadly weapon, was downgraded to a physical altercation. 没有逮捕任何人,调查仍在进行中。 No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing. 此事件是在 Foxx 最近披露的健康危机之后发生的,包括去年的中风和脑出血。 This incident follows Foxx's recent disclosure of a health crisis, including a stroke and brain bleed last year.