女人在远足、养家糊口时 发现巨型可食蘑菇 但专家警告风险 Woman finds giant edible mushroom while hiking, feeds family, but experts warn of risks.
来自白金汉郡的一位27岁的妇女,在和她父亲远足时发现了一个11磅的泡泡蘑菇。 A 27-year-old woman from Buckinghamshire found an 11-pound puffball mushroom while hiking with her father. Alisimon Minnitt用巨型蘑菇喂养她的家人一个星期, Alissimon Minnitt used the giant mushroom to feed her family for a week, creating various dishes. 虽然她成功地发现了食用蘑菇,但专家们告诫说,食用野生蘑菇可能很危险,并建议向受过培训的专家征求指导。 While she successfully identified the edible mushroom, experts caution that consuming wild mushrooms can be dangerous and advise seeking guidance from a trained specialist.