梵蒂冈启动了第一个日托中心 支持其员工 2024年春开业 The Vatican launches its first daycare center to support its employees, set to open in spring 2024.
梵蒂冈已经启动了第一个日托中心, "Stts. The Vatican has launched its first daycare center, "Sts. Francis和Clare" 支持其4000名员工 Francis and Clare," to support its 4,000 employees. 该中心定于春季开放,将为最多30名3个月至3岁的儿童提供服务,星期一至星期五从上午7时30分至下午6时30分。 活动将以意大利文和英文进行,重点是儿童发展和教育。 Scheduled to open in spring, the center will serve up to 30 children aged 3 months to 3 years, operating Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Activities will be offered in Italian and English, with a focus on child development and education. Pope Francis对雇员对教会和社会的贡献表示感谢。 Pope Francis has expressed gratitude for employees' contributions to the Church and society.