周六初,圣詹姆斯的Bennetts路发生车祸,两名男子在车祸中死亡,两人受伤。 Two men died and two were injured in a car crash on Bennetts Road, St. James, early Saturday.
周六清晨,圣詹姆斯的Bennetts路发生车祸,两名男子在车祸中死亡,另有两人受伤。 Two men died and two others were injured in a car crash on Bennetts Road, St. James, early Saturday morning. 车撞上了电线杆,受害者年龄在20岁至40岁之间。 The car hit a utility pole, and the victims were aged between their 20s to 40s. 由于当局对事故原因进行调查,道路被关闭。 The road is closed as authorities investigate the cause of the accident.