多伦多蓝鸟队与投手埃里克·劳尔 (Eric Lauer) 签下了一份小联盟合同,增加了他们的阵容深度。 The Toronto Blue Jays sign pitcher Eric Lauer to a minor league deal, adding depth to their roster.
多伦多蓝鸟队与左撇子投手埃里克·劳尔 (Eric Lauer) 签下了一份小联盟合同,让他有机会在春训期间争夺首发轮换的位置。 The Toronto Blue Jays have signed left-handed pitcher Eric Lauer to a minor league deal, giving him a chance to compete for a spot in their starting rotation during spring training. Lauer, 29岁, 2023年最后一次在MLB和MilwaukeeBrewers在MLB上演 2022年最精彩的赛季 和3.69 ERA Lauer, 29, last played in MLB with the Milwaukee Brewers in 2023 and had his best season in 2022 with a 3.69 ERA. 这笔交易对Blue Jays来说是低风险的, Blue Jays想增加他们的投球人员的深度。 The deal is low-risk for the Blue Jays, who are looking to add depth to their pitching staff.