如果他的政党赢得比哈尔的选举, 泰杰什维·雅达夫将每月向妇女发放2500卢比. Tejashwi Yadav promises ₹2,500 monthly to women if his party wins Bihar's elections.
Bihar的反对党领袖Tejashwi Yadav宣布Mai-Behan Maan Yojana为现金转账计划, Tejashwi Yadav, Bihar's Leader of the Opposition, has announced the Mai-Behan Maan Yojana, a cash transfer scheme promising ₹2,500 monthly to women if his party wins the upcoming Assembly elections. 该计划旨在帮助处境不利的妇女满足基本需求,并赋予她们经济权力。 The plan aims to help disadvantaged women afford basic needs and empower them economically. Yadav批评Nitish Kumar领导的现任政府效率低下, 强调该计划在比哈尔重建中的作用。 Yadav criticized the current government, led by Nitish Kumar, for inefficiency, and emphasized the scheme's role in Bihar's reconstruction.