斯里兰卡在98%参与下完成了债券交换,目的是调整债务结构。 Sri Lanka completes bond exchange with 98% participation, aiming to restructure its debt.
斯里兰卡完成了一项债券交换提议,98%的债券持有人参加了这项提议。 Sri Lanka has completed a bond exchange offer, with 98% of bondholders participating. 这一行动旨在调整国家债务结构,提供大量减免,并腾出发展资源。 This move aims to restructure the country's debt, providing substantial relief and freeing up resources for development. 尽管一个投资者汉密尔顿储备公司提起诉讼要求全额付款,接受率低达73%,但总体高参与率被视为信任投票。 Despite a low 73% acceptance rate from one investor, Hamilton Reserve, which filed a lawsuit for full payment, the overall high participation rate is seen as a vote of confidence. 最终结果将于12月16日公布,计划于12月20日结算。 The final results will be released on December 16, with settlement planned for December 20.