伊利诺伊州的Scammers发送 未经请求的钻石环 产生假审查, 损害收件人的信息。 Scammers in Illinois send unsolicited diamond rings to generate fake reviews, compromising recipients' info.
美国人 The U. S. The U.S. 邮政检查员警告说,在伊利诺伊州,诈骗者向消费者寄送未经请求的钻石戒指,以产生虚假的积极评论。 Postal Inspector warns of a brushing scam in Illinois where scammers send unsolicited diamond rings to consumers to generate fake positive reviews. 如果你收到意想不到的戒指 你的个人资料可能会被泄露 If you receive an unexpected ring, your personal information may be compromised. 返回软件包,更改密码,监测财务账户,必要时提醒当局。 Return the package, change passwords, monitor financial accounts, and alert authorities if necessary. 在网上购物时要小心,特别是在节日期间。 Be cautious when shopping online, especially during the holiday season.