展望海脊资源组织将年度会议推迟到12月20日,强调勘探不足的金矿地区的潜力。 Prospect Ridge Resources postpones its annual meeting to Dec. 20, highlighting potential in under-explored gold regions.
位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的一家金矿勘探公司 " 前景脊脊资源公司 " 将其年度大会从2024年12月12日推迟到2024年12月20日上午11时30分举行。 Prospect Ridge Resources Corp., a gold exploration company based in British Columbia, has postponed its annual general meeting from December 12 to December 20, 2024, at 11:30 AM Pacific Time. 会议将在温哥华Robson街605号430套房举行。 The meeting will be held at Suite 430, 605 Robson Street, Vancouver. 该公司经验丰富的管理团队认为,Knaus Creek和圣杯等地产有可能扩大勘探不足的金三角区域的边界。 The company’s experienced management team believes that properties like Knauss Creek and Holy Grail have potential to extend the boundaries of the under-explored Golden Triangle region.