尼日利亚旨在通过重新开放海外信息中心和支持国内媒体来提升其全球形象。 Nigeria aims to boost its global image by reopening info centers abroad and supporting domestic media.
尼日利亚国家信息和国家定向委员会呼吁重新开放13个海外信息中心,并为尼日利亚主要媒体组织设立海外办事处。 The National Council on Information and National Orientation in Nigeria has called for reopening 13 information centers abroad and establishing overseas offices for key Nigerian media organizations. 理事会还建议改善媒体工作人员的基础设施和条件,振兴联邦政府印刷出版社,并加强危险地区记者的安全。 The council also recommended improving infrastructure and conditions for media workers, reviving the Federal Government Printing Press, and enhancing security for journalists in dangerous areas. 目标是提高尼日利亚的全球形象和支持国内治理。 The goal is to boost Nigeria's global image and support domestic governance.