Nate Diaz和Jake Paul暗示 在Paul的拳击胜过Diaz之后 有可能重赛MMA Nate Diaz and Jake Paul hint at a potential MMA rematch after Paul's boxing win over Diaz.
Nate Diaz是前变革力量联盟的明星,他一再暗示可能与YouTube明星Jake Paul进行MMA战斗,后者最近在拳击比赛中击败了Diaz。 Nate Diaz, a former UFC star, has repeatedly hinted at a potential MMA fight with YouTube star Jake Paul, who recently defeated Diaz in a boxing match. Paul, 现在与PFL为MMA签约, 表示有兴趣面对Diaz, 而Diaz则挑战Paul“尽快签署合同”。 Paul, now signed with the PFL for MMA, has expressed interest in facing Diaz, while Diaz has challenged Paul to "sign the contract soon." 潜在重赛者会看到保罗, 他也在MMA击败了Mike Tyson, 在迪亚兹面对一个经验丰富的MMA战斗机。 The potential rematch would see Paul, who also defeated Mike Tyson in MMA, face an experienced MMA fighter in Diaz.