密尔沃基警方正在寻找失踪男子 Corey D. Moore,他最后一次露面是在 92 街和 Grantosa Drive 附近。 Milwaukee police are searching for missing man Corey D. Moore, last seen near 92nd and Grantosa Drive.
Milwaukee警察局正在寻找失踪的56岁的Corey D. Moore, 最后一次见到他的时间是12月13日92号附近, The Milwaukee Police Department is searching for missing 56-year-old Corey D. Moore, last seen on December 13 near 92nd and Grantosa Drive at 9 p.m. Moore, 5'8" and 150 lbs, has brown eyes, a goatee, mustache, and scarring on his head, neck, and chest. 他穿着黑色头盖帽、黑外套和金衬衣、多色球衣、深蓝色牛仔裤和黑鞋。 He was wearing a black skull cap, black jacket with gold lining, multi-colored polo shirt, dark blue jeans, and black shoes. 任何人如有情报,请与7区联系,电话414-935-7272。 Anyone with information should contact District 7 at 414-935-7272.