防止诈骗者窃取个人信息 迈阿密从停车标志上取出QR码 Miami removes QR codes from parking signs to prevent scammers from stealing personal info.
迈阿密市泊车管理局正在从7 000多个停车标志上取消QR码,以保护司机免受窃取个人和银行信息的骗局。 The City of Miami's Parking Authority is removing QR codes from over 7,000 parking signs to protect drivers from scams stealing personal and banking information. Scammers一直在放置假的QR码,将用户转移到欺诈网站。 Scammers have been placing fake QR codes to redirect users to fraudulent sites. 官员建议使用PayByPhone 应用程序支付款项,并向24小时热线报告任何可疑代码。 Officials advise using the PayByPhone app for payments and reporting any suspicious codes to a 24-hour hotline.