根据新的反恐法律, 一名男子在墨尔本被控在加沙抗议期间举起真主党旗. Man charged in Melbourne for displaying Hezbollah flag during Gaza protest, under new anti-terror laws.
一名来自墨尔本的36岁男子被指控在9月29日抗议活动期间展示被禁真主党旗帜, A 36-year-old man from Melbourne has been charged for displaying a banned Hezbollah flag during a protest on September 29, which was part of a national day of action for Gaza. 该事件发生在澳大利亚的新法律之下,这些法律禁止公开展示被禁恐怖组织包括真主党使用的标志。 The incident occurred under new Australian laws that prohibit the public display of symbols used by banned terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah. 澳大利亚联邦警察局(AFP)正在调查另外13人犯有类似罪行。 The Australian Federal Police (AFP) are investigating 13 more individuals for similar offenses. 该名男子面临一项指控,将于2025年3月6日出庭受审。 The man faces one charge and will appear in court on March 6, 2025.