K-pop明星IU在弹劾投票前为首尔的抗议者提供温暖食物和饮料。 K-pop star IU offers warm food and drinks to protesters in Seoul ahead of the impeachment vote.
K-pop明星IU为首尔反Yoon Suuk-yeol集会的抗议者提供热食、饮料和手暖和剂, K-pop star IU is providing hot food, drinks, and hand warmers for protesters at anti-Yoon Suk-yeol rallies in Seoul, according to her agency Edam Entertainment. 包括汤和米饼在内的用品按先到先得的方式供应,供所有集会与会者使用。 The supplies, including soups and rice cakes, are available on a first-come, first-served basis for all rally attendees. 这一姿态的目的是在12月14日国民议会弹劾投票之前,在寒冷天气中支持示威者。 The gesture aims to support demonstrators in cold weather ahead of the National Assembly's impeachment vote on December 14.