Jennifer Pauly,前商会主席,被任命为尼亚加拉艺术和文化中心新主任。 Jennifer Pauly, former chamber of commerce president, appointed as new director of Niagara Arts and Cultural Center.
Jennifer Pauly有15年的经验,担任设在路易斯顿的Niagara上游商会主席,被任命为Niagara艺术和文化中心(NACC)新任执行主任。 Jennifer Pauly, with 15 years of experience as president of the Lewiston-based Upward Niagara Chamber of Commerce, has been appointed as the new executive director of the Niagara Arts and Cultural Center (NACC). 她取代6月辞职的凯文·莱里。 She replaces Kevin Leary, who resigned in June. Pauly将监督一个850万美元的翻修项目,其中包括更新遗产剧院、改善浴室和修补管道问题。 Pauly will oversee an $8.5 million renovation project, which includes updating the Legacy Theatre, improving bathrooms, and fixing plumbing issues.