印度军事学院毕业生491名学员,尼泊尔陆军司令强调未来的挑战。 Indian Military Academy graduates 491 cadets, with Nepal's Army Chief stressing future challenges.
印度军事学院(印军学院)秋季毕业,有491名学员,包括来自印度的456名学员和来自盟国的35名学员,完成了培训。 The Indian Military Academy (IMA) conducted its autumn course graduation, with 491 cadets, including 456 from India and 35 from allied nations, completing their training. 尼泊尔陆军总司令Ashok Raj Sigdel将军向学员们讲话,强调需要为破坏性技术和多战区行动今后带来的挑战做好准备。 Nepal's Army Chief, General Ashok Raj Sigdel, addressed the cadets, emphasizing the need to prepare for future challenges posed by disruptive technologies and multi-theatre operations. 他赞扬IMA的严格培训是其成功的关键,并鼓励他们以专业精神和正直精神提供服务。 He praised the rigorous training at IMA as crucial for their success and encouraged them to serve with professionalism and integrity.