布鲁斯半岛北部的克拉克酒馆 被火力摧毁 原因不明 Historic Clarke Tavern in Northern Bruce Peninsula destroyed by fire, cause unknown.
在北布鲁斯半岛的前中校克拉克酒馆 被星期五深夜的火灾摧毁 The former Colonel Clarke Tavern in Northern Bruce Peninsula was destroyed by a fire late Friday night. 该建筑物最后被用作季节性住所和短期租借,在倒塌时无人占用。 The building, last used as a seasonal residence and short-term rental, was unoccupied when it collapsed. 附近消防站的消防员在冬季条件艰难的情况下,奋战了12个多小时,但损坏很大,估计达150万美元。 Firefighters from nearby stations fought the blaze for over 12 hours in challenging winter conditions, but the damage was extensive, estimated at $1.5 million. 该酒馆对社区具有历史意义,火灾原因仍不得而知,但并不被认为可疑。 The tavern held historical significance for the community, and the fire's cause remains unknown but is not considered suspicious.