Goglebox明星George Gilbey的女儿 恳求圣诞老人把她父亲带回来 她父亲在秋天去世了 Gogglebox star George Gilbey's daughter pleads for Santa to bring back her father, who died in a fall.
Goglebox明星George Gilbey在Essex工作时坠落80英尺,3月不幸死亡。 Gogglebox star George Gilbey tragically died in March after falling 80 feet while working in Essex. 他的女儿Amelie向圣诞老人 请求带她父亲回来过圣诞节 致哀地恳求他 His daughter, Amelie, has made a heartbreaking plea to Santa, asking to bring her father back for Christmas. George的妈妈Linda McGarry 2021年也失去了丈夫Pete 她打算把George的骨灰撒在他们沿海的家附近 George's mother, Linda McGarry, who also lost her husband Pete in 2021, plans to scatter George's ashes near their coastal home. 琳达在和帕金森的战斗中 以及最近她认为压力造成的中风 与Amelie和George的前搭档Gemma Conway保持密切关系 Linda, battling Parkinson's and a recent stroke she attributes to stress, maintains a close relationship with Amelie and George's ex-partner, Gemma Conway. 两名男子因涉嫌与George死亡有关的重大过失杀人罪被逮捕。 Two men have been arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter related to George's death.