由于国内旅行需求减少,在澳大利亚境内的航班在圣诞节是最便宜的。 Flights within Australia are cheapest on Christmas Day due to lower domestic travel demand.
圣诞节是澳大利亚国内最便宜的一天, 旅行者可以节省数百美元。 Christmas Day is the cheapest day to fly domestically in Australia, offering travelers potential savings of hundreds of dollars. 根据RMIT航空学院的贾斯·布朗约翰的说法,由于圣诞节前旅行需求达到顶峰,而国际上拳击节之后的需求增加,因此这一天的航班便宜. According to Justin Brownjohn from RMIT Aviation Academy, flights on this day are less expensive because travel demand peaks before Christmas and increases internationally post-Boxing Day. 比较市场数据显示,12月10日至13日,来自澳大利亚主要城市的航班也比较便宜。 Compare the Market data shows that flights from major Australian cities are also cheaper between December 10-13.