在印度,有人指控在采购COVID-19个人防护设备过程中滥用167卢比,因此提交了一份FIR。 An FIR is filed in India over alleged misuse of Rs 167 crore in COVID-19 PPE procurement.
在印度的Karnataka,由于据称在COVID-19大流行期间采购个人防护设备包和N95面罩有违规行为,造成167卢比的可能损失,因此提交了第一个情况报告。 In Karnataka, India, the first FIR has been filed over alleged irregularities in the procurement of PPE kits and N95 masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a potential loss of Rs 167 crore. 医学教育部首席帐务主任提出的申诉指控官员绕过采购规则,密谋滥用资金。 The complaint, filed by the Chief Accounts Officer of the Medical Education Department, accuses officials of bypassing procurement rules and conspiring to misuse funds. BJP指控国会政府推行「复仇政治」, 但政府表示是根据John Michael D'Cunha法官委员会的建议采取行动。 The BJP has accused the Congress government of pursuing a "politics of vengeance," but the government says it is acting based on the Justice John Michael D'Cunha Commission's recommendations. 计划设立一个特别调查队进一步调查此案。 A Special Investigation Team is planned to further investigate the case.