美国食品药品管理局召回23万3千瓶抗抑郁药杜洛因致癌化学物质. FDA recalls over 233,000 bottles of antidepressant duloxetine due to a cancer-causing chemical.
美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 已召回超过233,000瓶抗抑郁药杜洛因存在可能致癌化学物质N-酸杜洛. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recalled over 233,000 bottles of the antidepressant duloxetine due to the presence of a potentially cancer-causing chemical, N-nitroso-duloxetine. 以代号Cymbalta和Irenka出售的通用胶囊被归类为第二类风险,表明可能暂时对健康造成有害影响。 Sold under brand names Cymbalta and Irenka, the generic capsules are classified as a Class II risk, indicating potential for temporary adverse health effects. 美国食品和药物管理局建议患者咨询医疗保健提供者,如果他们的药物受到了影响,可以选择其他治疗方法. The FDA advises patients to consult their healthcare provider for alternative treatments if their medication is affected.