FDA 批准 Kisunla 用于治疗轻度阿尔茨海默病,尽管费用高昂,但为 Cheryl Miller 这样的患者带来了希望。 FDA approves Kisunla for mild Alzheimer's, offering hope to patients like Cheryl Miller despite high costs.
Cheryl Miller 75岁 患有老年痴呆症 她的丈夫John 在临床试验中 面对了希望和失望 Cheryl Miller, a 75-year-old with Alzheimer's, and her husband John have faced hope and disappointment through clinical trials. Cheryl最初看到Eli Lilly的Kisunla的Kisunla在减缓她的记忆下降方面有一些好处,但她的状况在审判结束后恶化了。 Cheryl initially saw some benefit from Eli Lilly's Kisunla in slowing her memory decline, but her condition worsened after the trial ended. 后来对Athira Pharma的药物进行了审判,结果证明没有效果。 A subsequent trial with Athira Pharma's drug proved ineffective. 现在,随着林业发展局批准Kisunla轻度阿尔茨海默氏症,约翰正在为其妻子寻求保险,尽管每年费用高达32 000美元。 Now, with the FDA approving Kisunla for mild Alzheimer's, John is seeking insurance coverage for his wife, despite the high cost of up to $32,000 annually.