埃及各大银行采用 " 苹果付款 " 来推动电子交易,减少现金使用。 Egyptian major banks introduce Apple Pay to boost electronic transactions and reduce cash use.
埃及最大的银行,包括埃及国家银行、Misr银行和CIB, 都采用苹果支付, Egypt's largest banks, including the National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, and CIB, have introduced Apple Pay, enabling secure, contactless payments using Apple devices. 该服务受面部识别和动态安全编码等特征的保护,简化了店内交易和在线交易。 The service, protected by features like Face ID and dynamic security codes, simplifies in-store and online transactions. 其目的是增加电子付款和减少现金使用,预测到2024年底交易量将显著增加。 It aims to boost electronic payments and reduce cash usage, with projections showing significant growth in transaction volumes by the end of 2024.