David Quintero, 36岁,因强奸被捕,并拥有超过1,500个儿童色情图像。 David Quintero, 36, arrested for rape and possessing over 1,500 child porn images.
David Randall Quintero, 36岁,来自San Luis Obispo的男子,因强奸和拥有儿童色情制品而被逮捕。 David Randall Quintero, a 36-year-old man from San Luis Obispo, has been arrested on charges of rape and possession of child pornography. 一名妇女报告于 10 月 24 日被 Quintero 强奸,在调查过程中,警方在 11 月 21 日执行搜查令时,在他家中发现了 1,500 多张儿童性虐待材料的图像。 A woman reported being raped by Quintero on October 24, and during the investigation, police found over 1,500 images of child sexual abuse material at his home when executing search warrants on November 21. Quintero目前被关押在San Luis Obispo县监狱,保释金为400 000美元。 Quintero is currently in San Luis Obispo County Jail with bail set at $400,000.