I-196 公路上的连锁反应车祸造成一人死亡,并在一辆道奇被折刀撞倒并被一辆雪佛兰和半挂卡车撞倒后溅出砾石。 A chain-reaction crash on I-196 killed one and spilled gravel after a Dodge jackknifed and was hit by a Chevrolet and semi-truck.
周五早上,贝林县的 I-196 公路上发生了一起致命的连锁反应车祸,涉及一辆牵引露营车的道奇皮卡、一辆雪佛兰 Equinox 和一辆拖着砾石的半挂卡车。 A fatal chain-reaction crash occurred Friday morning on I-196 in Berrien County, involving a Dodge pickup towing a camper, a Chevrolet Equinox, and a semi-truck hauling gravel. 道奇在躲避行动后被折断,Equinox 撞上了它,半挂卡车撞上了 Equinox,掀翻了它的一辆拖车并洒出了砾石。 The Dodge jackknifed after evasive action, the Equinox hit it, and the semi-truck struck the Equinox, flipping one of its trailers and spilling gravel. Quinox司机58岁的Jimmy Cunningham Jr. 在现场死亡。 The Equinox driver, 58-year-old Jimmy Cunningham Jr., died at the scene. 当局正在进行调查,没有毒品、酒精或道路条件等因素的迹象。 Authorities are investigating, with no signs of drugs, alcohol, or road conditions as factors.