CBRE预测印度数据中心投资到2027年将超过1000亿美元, CBRE predicts India's data center investments to surpass $100 billion by 2027, fueled by digital demand.
CBRE的最新报告预测到2027年印度数据中心投资将超过1000亿美元, CBRE's latest report predicts India's data center investments will exceed $100 billion by 2027, driven by strong demand for digital infrastructure. 印度从2019年到2024年吸引了近600亿美元的数据中心投资,马哈拉施特拉邦和泰米尔纳德邦走在前列。 India has attracted nearly $60 billion in data center investments from 2019 to 2024, with Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu leading the way. 孟买和钦奈等关键枢纽 被技术公司、BFSI 和Fintech部门所青睐 Key hubs like Mumbai and Chennai are favored by tech firms, BFSI, and fintech sectors. 印度数据中心的能力预计到年底将增长至1,600兆瓦左右,这得益于各州的奖励措施以及基因化的人工智能在2030年之前为经济增加4000亿美元的潜力。 India's data center capacity is projected to grow to around 1,600 MW by year-end, boosted by state incentives and the potential of generative AI to add $400 billion to the economy by 2030.