加拿大航空公司首席执行官为新的随身费用辩护,他们面临航空旅费上涨的批评。 Canadian airline CEOs defend new carry-on fees, facing criticism over rising air travel costs.
加拿大航空公司行政主管向议会一个委员会作证,讨论采用随身行李包收费的问题,认为提供不同的票价类别使旅行更加负担得起。 Canadian airline executives testified before a parliamentary committee on the introduction of carry-on bag fees, arguing that offering different fare categories makes travel more affordable. 然而,由于这些收费使航空旅行越来越负担不起,他们面临着批评。 However, they faced criticism over how these fees are making air travel increasingly unaffordable. WestJet CEO Alexis von Hoensbroech声称, " 超基本票价 " 平均降低了14%的旅行费用,但要求改革航空费和收费,以进一步降低费用。 WestJet CEO Alexis von Hoensbroech claimed the UltraBasic fare has led to 14% lower travel costs on average, but called for reforms to aviation fees and charges to further decrease costs.