Bollywood演员Varun Dhawan提倡“婴儿约翰”, 一部有关妇女安全的电影, Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan promotes "Baby John," a film on women's safety, set to release this Christmas.
宝莱坞演员瓦伦·达万(Varun Dhawan)正在宣传他即将在斋浦尔(Jaipur)拍摄的电影《婴儿约翰》, Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is promoting his upcoming film "Baby John" in Jaipur, which focuses on women's safety and a father's extreme efforts to protect his daughter. Dhawan在Nirbhaya案等真实事件启发下, 分享个人时刻, 包括错过他女儿的第一个坚固食物里程碑。 Inspired by real-life incidents like the Nirbhaya case, Dhawan shares personal moments, including missing his daughter's first solid food milestone. 这部电影将发行这个圣诞节。 The film is set to release this Christmas.