一名Blanchard公立学校学生意外地向操场发射了一名学校军官的枪;没有人受伤。 A Blanchard Public Schools student accidentally fired a school officer's gun on the playground; no injuries.
一名Blanchard公立学校小学生周五在操场意外发射了一名学校资源官的枪。 A Blanchard Public Schools elementary student accidentally fired a school resource officer's gun on the playground on Friday. 枪放在枪套里,被射入地里;没有人受伤。 The gun was in its holster and discharged into the ground; no one was injured. McClain县警长办公室正在调查这一事件,以确定使用的武器和枪套的类型,而学校区则审查安全协议。 The McClain County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident to determine the type of weapon and holster used, while the school district reviews safety protocols.