亚美尼亚驻法国大使向马昆总统递交全权证书,讨论加强关系的问题。 Armenian ambassador to France presents credentials to President Macron, discussing strengthened ties.
亚美尼亚新任驻法国大使Armen Khachatryan向埃利西宫的埃曼纽尔·马隆总统递交了全权证书。 Armen Khachatryan, the new Armenian ambassador to France, presented his credentials to President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace. Macron向Khachatryan表示祝贺,同时都讨论了加强南高加索的联系和局势问题。 Macron congratulated Khachatryan, while both discussed strengthening ties and the situation in the South Caucasus. 会议突出了亚美尼亚和法国之间的战略伙伴关系。 The meeting highlights the strategic partnership between Armenia and France.