阿拉巴马州跑卫 Justice Haynes 在本赛季的上场时间有限后进入转会门户。 Alabama running back Justice Haynes enters transfer portal after limited playing time this season.
阿拉巴马州的二年级跑卫 Justice Haynes 已经进入了转会门户。 Justice Haynes, a sophomore running back for Alabama, has entered the transfer portal. 海恩斯尽管是一个高分的招募人员,但由于受伤和竞争,其作用有限,本季冲破448码和7个触地得分。 Despite being a highly-rated recruit, Haynes had a limited role due to injuries and competition, rushing for 448 yards and seven touchdowns this season. 他的离开使阿拉巴马州的跑卫军团仍然很强大,拥有贾姆·米勒和理查德·杨等球员,但减少了球队在对阵密歇根州的碗赛中的深度。 His departure leaves Alabama's running back corps still strong with players like Jam Miller and Richard Young, but reduces the team's depth heading into their bowl game against Michigan.